Code of Conduct

In the realm of high-performance endeavors, dependable allies are paramount.
For soon forty years, we’ve stood as a trusted procurement partner,
ensuring excellence in electronics components sourcing for discerning companies.

Code of Conduct Telcona

Telcona Ltd. is a company for procurement marketing for components in Switzerland, that has been serving customers in different markets with optimal solutions since 1987. We provide a complete one-stop shop service for components for sampes to mass production. In-house quality controls and seamless monitoring are as much part of the Company’s corporate philosophy as excellent value for money and deadline accuracy. Telcona Ltd has been establishing a stable network of reliable partners for years. Telcona Ltd concentrates on its focus industries, in which Telcona Ltd experts have in-depth, specific application know-how and many years of experience. Another focus of Telcona Ltd is customer-specific logistics concepts. Having in mind the said complicity of the business in which Telcona Ltd operates, the challenges of sustainable development also imply the necessity to consider the interests of all interested parties, reinforcing the importance of clearly defining the values and responsibilities that the Company recognizes, shares, and accepts. For that reason, the Company has prepared this Code of Conduct, a set of rules and principles intended to assist our employees, agents and management in making decisions about their conduct related to the Company’s business. This Code of Conduct is based on the fundamental understanding that our Company is responsible and dedicated to conducting business ethically and in compliance with the laws everywhere we operate. Since we are focused on establishing long-term business relationships, it is very important to us that our customers, suppliers, associates and other business partners share the same goals and strive for the same values such as integrity, ethics, and green economy in doing business. This is why this Code of Conduct applies not only to our internal business operations, but also to relationships with our customers, suppliers, associates and other business partners all around the world.

Honest and Ethical Business Conduct

Our mission is to create value for our customers and to deliver componets and supply chain solutions to our customers in high-quality, professionally and in a timely manner. Therefore, we are dedicated to creating quality, customized, innovative and sustainable solutions at competitive prices, in order to live in a cleaner, safer and ecologically more pleasant environment.
In conducting business, we always act as a team, constantly committed to thinking, planning, understanding, and overcoming ourselves. High quality is our modus operandi – it is fundamental for us to always achieve the standards of our customers; we listen to them and their needs to create the best solution that shall meet the needs of each customer. By doing business, we always strive to take reasonable risks to create something new, to accelerate innovation, but at the same time also carefully consider the impact of each and every decision we make on the environment, locally and internationally. Therefore, it is of crucial importance for ethical and sustainable business growth that all parties, internally and externally, comply with the provisions of this Code of Conduct. The responsible person and/or managers must also show that respecting our Code of Conduct is a fundamental part of our day-to-day business and that business results can never be separated from compliance with the principles contained in this Code of Conduct.
Telcona Ltd. undertakes to inform all potential and existing customers, agents, and business partners about this Code of Conduct, demanding that they comply their business cooperation with the principles set forth herein.


Diversity of our business, people, and business partners serves as one of our most competitive advantages. As a company presented in European and Asian markets, we recognized from the very beginning that one social and professional model may not be accepted in all cultures and regions. Therefore, we always consider carefully differences when providing our services. By understanding and appreciating both worlds, accepting people, their mentalities, cultures and habits, we successfully build bridges between the Asian and European markets. Also, we have adjusted our business model for Asian markets, to guarantee to our customers smooth processing of even complex orders in a timely manner regardless of different time zones, unknown cultures, and language barriers.

Respecting Human Rights

Our Company advocates that all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, we are committed to respect all human rights of all people and we shall use the best efforts not to adversely affect human rights by our acts related to the Company’s operations, products, services and/or business relationships. In the event of negative impact on human rights, we shall act diligently in order to remediate and remove consequences of such negative impacts.  LABOR AND EMPLOYMENTS PRACTICES


People are our most valuable resource and they represent the engine of our growth and development.
We undertake to create an organization that can attract and keep employees, use the awarding systems, and provide good working conditions. We always strive to value growth, continuous improvement of knowledge and skills, teamwork, as well as to recognize professional merits and skills. We treat our people (employees, managers, as well as external associates) with dignity and respect. We do not tolerate nor use corporal punishment, mental and physical coercion, verbal or physical abuse of employees. We also do not allow inhumane treatments either.
By doing business, we always comply with applicable local and international legislation, including but not limited to the principles and standards prescribed by the International Labor Organization. We also respect all local laws, including collective labor agreements (where applicable) and standards in the industry sector regarding work time, holidays and leaves, overtime work etc. Where applicable, in the event of discrepancy of legislation, we shall apply the one most favorable for the employee.


We guarantee and respect the principle of equal possibilities. We create a working environment where there is no discrimination of any kind, including but not limited to the discrimination based on gender, nationality, birth, religion, sexual orientation, civil status, union membership or political opinion etc.
We provide equal treatment for all our employees related to the employment terms, salaries, promotions, and salary increase, termination of employment etc.
We condemn and sanction in accordance with applicable laws all kinds of discrimination, verbal, physical and sexual abuse. It is prohibited to create an intimidating, hostile work environment, or unreasonably disrupt the work of others, or ask for personal favors in exchange for professional advancement.


One of the fundamental principles our Company is based on, is ensuring good, healthy and safe work conditions. By organizing mandatory seminars and training for our employees, we educate our employees on safety and health at work, and encourage responsible behavior in preserving their health and safety.
The Company adopted effective measures to prevent potential accidents, injuries or illnesses that may occur because of, in connection with, or during the performance of work. The Company uses reasonable efforts to reduce or eliminate, as far as possible, the causes of all risks that exist in the work environment, taking into account the characteristics of the sectors and workplaces/jobs, and any potential risk to safety and health at work.
Telcona Ltd constantly complies with applicable laws and procedures that govern safety and health at work. The Company provides all employees with periodic and mandatory health and safety at work trainings, including instructions for conducting work tasks on workplaces and, where necessary, specific instructions for the work performed. All training courses are mandatory for new employees or for those transferring to a new workplace, as well as in the event of accidents and when technological changes and/or the introduction of new machines may present new risks for health and safety at work. Where the company is unable to effectively reduce or eliminate the causes of all risks in the workplace, the Company provides employees, as needed, with appropriate means of personal protection at its own expense. In the event of an injury at work, the Company provides first aid and assists the employee until he/she receives appropriate medical treatment. The Company keeps documented procedures for identification, prevention, reduction, elimination of potential risks to the health and safety of employees at work and keeps written records of all accidents that occurred at the workplace and in all premises and structures at the disposal of the Company, regardless of whether the premises are owned by the Company or rented from a third party.
Furthermore, the Company especially takes care of special categories of employees, such as pregnant women and women who breastfeed or women on maternity leave. We assess all risks in the workplace for maternity, pregnant and women who breastfeed, including those related to their work tasks, to ensure all reasonable measures to eliminate or reduce any risk to their health and safety at work.


Telcona Ltd shall not use any form of forced or involuntary labor, nor put pressure on employees to conduct tasks against their will and/or contrary to their beliefs as well as to conduct tasks that could endanger their health.
Furthermore, Telcona Ltd shall not use any kind of child labor. As a child, we consider a person below the age of 15, or where applicable the law sets a different minimum age for labor.


The Company respects the right of the employees to form and join trade unions, and shall acknowledge the trade union representatives in the company in accordance with the applicable laws, who will represent their interests. When there are trade union representatives in the Company, the Company’s management shall keep good and transparent relations with trade union representatives and shall consult them for all the matters concerning the rights and obligations of the employees.


Consuming alcohol, drugs; smoking

By performing work tasks, the employees are obliged to maintain decent behavior at work.
It is not allowed to bring, consume, or offer alcohol and/or narcotic at work, nor to arrive at work under the influence of alcohol or narcotic.
Also, smoking is not allowed outside designated smoking areas.

Use of the corporate assets and technology

The corporate assets and technology is to be used only for legitimate business purposes and only by the persons priorly authorized for such use. We condemn and prohibit activities of employees that involve use of the Company’s assets and technology and other resources in other purposes, especially those one in contrary to the applicable legislation, public order and moral. Also, each employee is obliged to use the Company’s assets, technology and to process data for business purposes, nor to pursue personal benefits using corporate assets. Our Company has a duty to protect its assets from loss, damage, misuse, theft or sabotage. This shall include not only the tangible and intangible assets, but also know-how, confidential or proprietary information, information systems. In line with that, we are aware of the importance of information security. Therefore, all employees are obliged to follow our internal information security procedures, to use business e-mail address(es) for business purposes, and to keep passwords and/or other ID keys for access to the company’s information systems safe.

Personal Data and Confidentiality

Information is our valuable asset. Therefore, the confidentiality of information as well as personal data protection are among fundamental principles our business is based on. TelconaLtd respects the privacy of individuals, such as customers, employees of suppliers and business partners and our personnel, and we have created policies and internal rules regarding personal information. All employees are obliged to keep them with diligence, to protect the privacy of documents and personal data even after termination of the employment relationship. „Personal data” means any information directly or indirectly relating to a natural person. We shall comply with all applicable laws as well as internal rules and policies when collecting, processing, disclosing or disposing personal data. We shall collect and process personal data in accordance with applicable laws, only for priorly known purposes and under the lawful basis for processing, by implementing the personal data processing principles, such as processing by design and default, minimization. We shall process only the personal data necessary for specific, explicit and priorly known purposes and shall keep it for a definite period of time, i.e. not longer than is necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing. We shall implement and use adequate technical, organizational measures in order to ensure integrity and security of processed personal data.
Furthermore, under the „confidential information“ we consider all important and/or valuable information that has not been disclosed to the general public. It includes all data, documents, contracts, reports, notes and other material related to the company’s operations, our know-how, corporate strategy, marketing programs. The use of confidential and personal data is allowed within the company only if it is necessary to perform entrusted tasks. It is not allowed to disclose or distribute any confidential information to any third party, except for authorized purposes or with prior written consent of the Company’s management.

Intellectual Property

Telcona Ltd recognizes the importance of respecting intellectual property. Under intellectual property we consider e.g., our patents, designs, trademarks, trade secrets, know-how. To the extent permitted by and subject to applicable laws, all patents, designs, trademarks generated by Telcona Ltd belong to ITelcona Ltd. We shall use all available and adequate measures, provided by the applicable law, in order to protect our intellectual property from any kind of violation and/or misuse by the third parties.

Fair Competition

Our internal principle is to comply with applicable antitrust, competition and fair trade laws and regulations on all local markets we conduct business. We shall not be part of cartel or other non‐ permissible cooperation with competitors, customers, or suppliers, such as fixing prices, dividing markets, limiting production or otherwise impeding or destroying fair competition in markets. In the event of doubt as to the legality of any activity of the Company or potential agreement with third parties, the Company shall consult with a competent attorney at law.


Telcona Ltd prohibits corruption, bribery, kickbacks, unlawful payments to private and public sectors, and other unfair or unlawful practices. The provision of our services shall always be conducted in accordance with the applicable laws at the local market concerned. Since we adhere to the principle that all employees perform their tasks in a transparent and correct way, it is against our principle to be involved in actions such as exchange of benefits. Therefore, it is not allowed to offer nor to receive payments, gifts or benefits to third parties or from third parties and through third parties, directly or indirectly, that can be regarded as constituting bribes. Each employee involved in such illegal and/or immoral activities shall immediately inform Company’s management or competent authorities about such activity. Also, the Company shall not cooperate with customers or suppliers where there is a reasonable and justified suspicion of their involvement in corruptive activities.

Personal Conflict of Interest

In order to justify the trust of customers and maintain a successful reputation in the market, the Company needs to always act in its best interest and to avoid situations that can impact its business relationship with agents, suppliers, customers or competitors. Therefore, by performing work tasks, all employees and company’s management need to refrain from any activity not compatible with duties and responsibilities towards the Company, and to notify a manager/supervisor, or HR department on all situations that can be considered as conflict of interest. Conflict of interest shall inter alia include direct or indirect involvement in business relationships outside the company with the company’s agents, suppliers, customer or any other activity that might have negative effect on Telcona Ltd`s business.


Our Company strives to adjust its development and production with the environmental protection measures in order to contribute to creating a better environment for future generations to come. We are committed to the creation of a more sustainable society and to reduce the environmental footprint throughout the lifecycle of our products and business activities. Since we are committed to provide services in a more environmentally friendly manner, we constantly implement technically feasible and economically justified measures, such as energy consumption reduction, reduction of CO2 emission, use of renewable energy sources etc. We evaluate and implement internal policies that meet at least the legally prescribed minimum of environmental protection requirements. We direct activities and processes towards efficient use of energy resources and promote the use of renewable energy sources. We will endeavor to evaluate all potential projects and cooperations by the environmental impact criteria and to implement the one with least long-term environmental impact.


In case of any query, we stand at your disposal and please contact us via